Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Training
Hi folks,
Here we are to share and discuss on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) which commonly refers to individual characteristics that makes them unique from one another. It includes the differences of age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and even sexual orientation. But, rarely people understand the concept of DEI also include the differences aspect of ideologies and physical abilities.
Nowadays, training programs is an platform to drive forward employee’s ability, skills and knowledge (ASK)). Usually, the effectiveness of training can be seen through the co-operation between trainer and trainees while being in a training session but there are another important element which lead to training effectiveness. It is the internal trainer’s message delivery features that affect the effectiveness of training.
Often people in work setting talked about the training effectiveness once the training program was conducted and the Return of Investment (ROI) became major concern for the company’s growth. However, most of the time in many companies they tend to forget the integration and quota of differently abled employees, specifically on training program conducted. The concern was on trainers’ readiness, knowledge, presentation skill as well the communication skill towards the differently abled candidate.
These 4 (trainer’s readiness, knowledge, presentation skills and communication skills) should be take into account specially for differently abled candidate, are they convenient for them to stay in the training program for a long time? Normally, company’s major focus was on employees and the feedback of training. Only few concern on differently abled people in office. Yet, there are many ways that could benefits both, and in a way to make them (differently abled employees) to feel better and motivated to stay in training, for examples; replace steps with ramps, provide modified equipment that fit to use by them, arrange to stay at front in training, set up audio visual fire alarm incase of emergency, and etc.
There were study found most prominent element for an effective training program was the trainer’s readiness in presenting course content. Thus, it might help in future to ensure the trainer well prepared for the content as well with the audience, knowing their audience before training will be added value for the training effectiveness.
In a nutshell, trainers preparedness (readiness) is a must before attend training especially when involve differently abled employees, then followed by knowledge of course content, presentation skills and communication skills. A real diversity include all of the above, major concern for DEI in an working environment. Lets be the change!