It’s time to find a new job — 5 Signs you need a new job
Hi folks,
Here you are for a reason which not either of us wanted, yet the sustainability of future career is important for survival. Thus, before thing goes worst and reaches a crisis status we still have the choice. So, through experiences and observation, its definable on the alarm signals. Here few signs for you;
- You can’t remember when was the last time you feel excited to go to work at the morning. Ask yourself when was the last time you got excited to work? When? If you are not able to recall then it’s the time to find a new job, since you been in exact same situation (burning out) for a long time already.
- Your well-being is suffering. Physical, mental and emotional well being is important to sustain in long term. Any works that consistently deficit your well being then you need to be aware of your surrounding. Optimum stress is okay, but not burnout. At the stage of burnout, both are going to face the consequences. Your will not able to push yourself to perform better when you are in the stage of suffering, it definitely going to impact the companies’ productivity at long run.
3. There is no room for career growth. It happens when you starts to wondering if you stayed in current job for a long time period and get stuck. Don’t do your works that require repeated version of tasks without any upgrading or advancement. The growth is crucial in any field, thus remember to always challenge yourself to move forward.
4. Toxic work environment. Your working environment is toxic when people around you starts of gossiping with or about you consistently. Besides, the issues of bullying is still happening till date but a bit different style of bullying when compared to previous days, especially in terms of taking advantage of your hardworking attitude.
5. You can’t be your real self. When you are around your office cabin, you are not able to be yourself as you fee demotivated on carrying your tasks.
You don’t have to immediately find a new job but find the root cause of your signs. By finding out your root cause, you might able to tackle the issues wisely. Since, there are multiple things that need to be considered before you leave the company, especially those with high commitments (fees, insurance, bills and etc.). Yet, a challenging job will consistently develop more choices on career or professional growth. This advancement what people are looking for, if you aren’t getting these space from your current job, then it’s the time to consider finding a new post elsewhere.
Hope it helps!