Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Hi peeps,
This time am going to share something out of normal context discussion which currently seems its so much important for everyone of us to recall the basic needs of human being according Maslow theory. I was called to wrote this due to people face so much of pressures to meet other’s expectation and requirement, when at time they tend to forget their own self needs. Thus it’s fundamental to remember that each of us has the rights to live peacefully rather live to meet others’ demands. This hierarchy would sync and help to recall the motive of being human and increases the motivation level. Maslow’s hierarchy was simplified in five level, bottom up. Starting from basic needs, psychological needs, and self-fulfillment needs.
- Physiological Needs
It’s a first layer — fundamental needs / requirements for a human being to live and sustain, for examples: Food, water, fresh air, shelter and clothes. If there is deficiency in needs, it might cause human body are not functioning well. Moreover, higher needs are not recognized until these ‘basic’ or fundamental needs have been fulfilled. In 21st century, the quality and quantity may vary due to different perspectives. for instance, to build a shelter, we tend choose the design, size and even the location.
2. Safety Needs
Safety needs become priority when physiological needs are met, in order to free from threat of physiological & physical harm. Such needs may be fulfilled by job security, resources, good health, living in safe place, own property & etc. It shows people tend to generate resources and secure it with financial and nonfinancial wise. An individual cannot move up the pyramid to the next stages if feel threated. So. the individual need to ensure once the threat has been addressed, then they can move up the pyramid. Cases: locking system / Insurance property against natural disasters, war, calamities, etc.
3. Love & Belonging Needs
The third level of hierarchy is focusing on individual’s needs to love and be loved which also known as social needs. The sense of belonging and acceptance from people around is important for good mental health and peacefulness. It derives from your circles and networks, the interactions, connections and bonding’s between family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors, political parties, sports teams, or wherever you are into. Positive relationship will leads to lasting attachment, if there is no attachment between human being it will negatively affects health and well-being. Thus, people are motivated to find friends and romantic partner.
4. Esteem Needs
Once a person feel belonged, the need to be important can arise, the esteem needs can be classified as external or internal. Internal esteem needs, related to self-esteem, within an individual self. Such as the needs of self-respect, self-valued, mastery, strength, competency, independence, freedom and achievements. Meanwhile, external esteem needs are those such as social status, reputation, recognition, prestige, fame and attention. It’s another key essential for human being to feel recognized and encouraged.
5. Self-actualization Needs
What a man desire to be, he must be. It’s the level of reaching individual full potential. Intrinsic growth developed, and growth-motivated rather than deficiency-motivated. The ultimate layer of needs will be achieved only when the lower level needs are fulfilled. This need is never fully satisfied due to the fact that people evolve and continue to challenge themselves, unlike some of the lower needs. People in this level tend to have needs such as; morality, creative thinking, spontaneity, problem solving and decision making sills, accepting facts & truths without prejudice. Moreover, it’s the level of fulfillment & content by understand & realize their full potential & core strength.
Last but not least, no matter whether it’s in daily life or in our work setting, the thing that we must remember is, everyone has the equal rights and opportunity to live better, regardless to its cost. The hierarchy of human needs theory would help everyone of us to aware of basic human needs.
Thank you